Research & Publications

Research and Publications

Accompanying the major exhibition „Gabriele Münter: Malen ohne Umschweife“ held at Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau München (October 31, 2017 – April 8, 2018) a catalogue of the same title was published. [English edition: Isabelle Jansen, Gabriele Münter: Painting to the Point, ed. Isabelle Jansen and Matthias Mühling. Munich, London, New York 2017]

In 2014 a new museum guide for the Münter House was published. [Das Münter-Haus in Murnau, hrsg. von Matthias Mühling und Isabelle Jansen. München, 2014]
English and French language editions of the new guide for the Münter House were published in 2015. [The Münter House in Murnau, ed. Matthias Mühling and Isabelle Jansen. Munich, 2014; La maison de Gabriele Münter à Murnau, ouvrage poublié sous la direction de Matthias Mühling et d’Isabelle Jansen, Munich, 2014]

In 2012 a research project was inaugurated to investigate the illustrations in the Blue Rider Almanac as well as Gabriele Münter’s and Wassily Kandinsky’s collection of folk art. [“Die blaue Reiterei stürmt voran”: Bildquellen für den Almanach Der Blaue Reiter / Die Sammlung von Wassily Kandinsky und Gabriele Münter, ed. Helmut Friedel and Isabelle Jansen, advisory editor Nina Gockerell, Munich 2012]

In 2010 the bead and textile works from Gabriele Münter’s estate were presented in a book. An exhibition of these works has been on view in the Münter House in Murnau from October 2010 to April 2012. [Gabriele Münter und Wassily Kandinsky. Perlenstickereien und Textilarbeiten aus dem Nachlass von Gabriele Münter, Isabelle Jansen, ed. Helmut Friedel. Munich, 2010]

A further publication by Jessica Boissel, of hitherto unpublished writings by Kandinsky, most of which are in the Bibliothèque Kandinsky in Paris (Centre Pompidou) and the Gabriele Münter- und Johannes Eichner-Stiftung, edited by Helmut Friedel, appeared in 2007. [Wassily Kandinsky. Gesammelte Schriften 1889-1916. Farbensprache, Kompositionslehre und andere unveröffentlichte Texte, ed. Helmut Friedel, with essays by Boris P. Chichlo, Barbara Mackert-Riedel, Jean-Claude Marcadé, Reinhard Richardi, Friedrich-Christian Schroeder, Felix Thürlemann, and Peter Vergo (Munich: Prestel, 2007)]

In 1999 a German-French photo data bank was set up bringing together stock at the Musée national d’art moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris, and in the Gabriele Münter- und Johannes Eichner-Stiftung, thus making it accessible to art historians and researchers. The Munich materials issued in two photo exhibitions at the Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus in 2006 and 2007. [Gabriele Münter: Die Reise nach Amerika: Photographien 1899-1900, ed. Helmut Friedel, with essays by Annegret Hoberg, Isabelle Jansen, Daniel Oggenfuss, and Ulrich Pohlmann (Munich: Schirmer/Mosel, 2006); Gabriele Münter: Die Jahre mit Kandinsky: Photographien 1902-1914, ed. Helmut Friedel, with essays by Helmut Friedel, Annegret Hoberg, and Isabelle Jansen (Munich: Schirmer/Mosel, 2007)]

On the occasion of the reopening of the Münter House in 1999, Helmut Friedel and Annegret Hoberg produced a guide. [Das Münter-Haus in Murnau, ed. Helmut Friedel, by Helmut Friedel and Annegret Hoberg (Munich: Prestel, 2000)]

In 1998 Jessica Boissel edited and published Kandinsky’s manuscripts on the theater written between 1907 and 1914. [Kandinsky. Du théâtre. Über das Theater. O Teatpe. Édition établie et présentée par Jessica Boissel avec la collaboration de Jean-Claude Marcadé (Paris: Adam Biro, 1998) (trilingual edition: French, German, Russian)]

In the year 2000 Nina Gockerell worked on Münter’s and Kandinsky’s collection of folk art. [Das Münter-Haus. Hinterglasbilder, Schnitzereien und Holzspielzeug von Gabriele Münter gesammelt, kopiert und in ihren Werken dargestellt, Nina Gockerell, ed. Helmut Friedel (Munich: Prestel, 2000)]

The Foundation supported Vivian Endicott Barnett in preparing and exhibiting the entire body of works by Wassily Kandinsky in the possession of the Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus and the Gabriele Münter- und Johannes Eichner-Stiftung. [Das bunte Leben. Wassily Kandinsky im Lenbachhaus, Vivian Endicott Barnett, ed. Helmut Friedel, with an essay by Rudolf H. Wackernagel. Cologne: DuMont, New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1995]

The collection of drawings of children that Gabriele Münter and Wassily Kandinsky compiled from 1908 to 1914 was processed and shown to the public in an exhibition in 1995 [Mit dem Auge des Kindes. Kinderzeichnung und moderne Kunst, by Jonathan Fineberg, ed. Helmut Friedel and Josef Helfenstein (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997); German original 1995]

In 1967 Sabine Helms compiled the first catalogue of Gabriele Münter’s print oeuvre. The work was revised and supplemented by new findings in the year 2000. The publication of this revised edition was accompanied by an exhibition at the Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus. [Gabriele Münter: Das druckgraphische Werk, ed. Helmut Friedel, with contributions by Annegret Hoberg, Isabelle Jansen, Margarethe Jochimsen, Brigitte Salmen, and Christina Schüler (Munich: Prestel, 2000)]

A selection of the publications above are available from the Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus online shop.